20120310-Jason Russell-Kony 2012

20120310-Jason Russell-Kony 2012

In nowadays, We can use the social media (ex. Facebook, Twitter, Plurk ... et al) to share the pictures, music, and movies.

Why we are always doing the non-profit activities ?
I think the answer is that we like to share something that we cared.
But people always like happiness more than the sadness.

In this move (Kony 2012), it tells a sad story, but I hope it has a happy ending in the future.

The leading man is called "Joseph Kony", a real guy not a characters, in this movie , I saw the darkness phase of the humanity, that I never saw it before !!
But,who is "Joseph Kony" ?
He is not a well-known person in the word, before 2012.
But, he is doing the worst things in Uganda since 1992, such likes grabbing kids and training the boys to become a soldier, and forces the girls become a sexual slave ... 
I think that the nickname "tyrant" is more suitable for him.

Kony is the leader of LSA (Lord's Resistance Army).
He uses the violent to attack the civilians for keeping his power and obtain the resources in Uganda.
In the past, we can't receive any informations from Uganda.
But, now, we can get the messages from anywhere via INTERNET.

The director, Jason Russell, is trying to make Kony becoming famous that everyone can know who he is, that will make him visible and more easier to find him.
If there are more people paying more attention on this issue, that will cause the politicians also care about it, and urging the government to do something for seeking Kony , catching and judging him.

All that we need to do is... just sharing the video (Kony-2012).
More people share and watch this movie, that makes more opportunities to catch him !!!

