關於鍛造技術 (About Forging)

關於鍛造技術 (About Forging)

Keywords: Forging, Shape complexity factor, die design, preform design, ... .

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  • 大英百科全書對於鍛造的定義:“Forging, in metallurgy, process of shaping metal and increasing its strength by hammering or pressing…” [Encyclopedia Britannica]

  • 胚料成形溫度 (forging temperature):冷鍛(cold forging)、溫鍛(warm forging)、熱鍛(hot forging)。
  • 材料流動方向(material flow):鍛粗 (Upsetting) 、擠伸 (extrusion) 。
  • 局部成形與漸進式成形 (incremental forming):打頭 (Heading)、擺輾鍛造 (orbital forging)。
  • 成形軸數:複動 or 多軸鍛造 (multi-action forging)

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道次設計 (Stage design)

  • 以幾何復雜度(Shape complexity factor)評估道次數 [IJMF,2010]

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預成形設計 (Preform design)

  • 採用錐形(tapered)設計,可改善長軸件鍛粗時發生挫屈問題 [Gokler,1999] 
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模具設計 (forging die design)

浮動模具 (floating die):

計算合適的浮動模具運動速度,可降低成形負荷 [Ryu,2001] 並提升成形性,應用在長軸類產品,如船用柴油引擎之推力軸(thrust shaft),具有高尺寸精度、節省材料、增加材料強度及減少後加工時間等優點 [Kwon,2011] 

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REF. Process design

  • B. Tomov,R. Radev (2010) Shape Complexity Factor for Closed Die Forging, International Journal of Material Forming, Vol.3, pp.319-322.

REF. Preform design

  • M. I. Gokler, H. Darendeliler,N. Elmaskaya (1999) Analysis of tapered preforms in cold upsetting, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol.39, pp.1-16.

REF. Die design

  • C. H. Ryu,M. S. Joun (2001) Finite element simulation of the cold forging process having a floating die, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.112, pp.121-126.
  • I. K. Kwon,H. S. Park (2011) Design of die forging process of thrust shaft for large marine diesel engine using floating die concept, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol.12, pp.527-535.
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